NinJo Publications

This page contains a collection of some scientific publications of the NinJo Workstation software and related systems.

Kalesse, Busiakiewicz et al.: Canvas-Grid - A new NWP data visualization for NinJo

16th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems (MOS) at ECMWF, Reading, England, 1-3 March 2017

Abstract: Traditionally, for NWP data visualization, NinJo generates iso-lines and iso-areas in the latitude/longitude coordinate system. For the purpose of avoiding numerical problems using such an approach, a virtual Cartesian grid was invented which lies within the reference system of the screen that should display the data. The NWP data is point-wise transformed onto that so-called canvas-grid. The talk will focus on the generation of the grid. It will outline the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach and discuss means of caching of intermediate results.
See full Presentation: (2.5 MB)

Lehmann, Werner: Java, Play und Akka

JavaSpectrum Article Issue 3 2016 in German language.

Abstract: Java, Akka und Play kommen beim Deutschen Wetterdienst für das operationelle meteorologische Arbeitsplatzsystem und für einen Archivzugriff zum Einsatz. Die Herausforderungen dabei: sehr große Datenmengen, sehr heterogene Datenformate, wenig verbindliche Standards, hohe fachliche Komplexität von Daten und Metadaten, sehr heterogene zeitliche Auflösungen, mangelnde Datenqualität von „Altdaten“.

See the Article.


Kalesse: The NinJo Team Story

15th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems (MOS) at ECMWF, Reading, England, 28-30 September 2015

Abstract: All about the NinJo roles and collaboration in an international consortium.

See full Presentation: (2.9 MB)

Schumann: COSMO-DE EPS - A new way of predicting severe convection

14th Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems at ECMWF, Reading, England, 18-20 November 2013

Abstract: This year there was a special focus on 'how to transition developments in research into operational products and services'. The workshop reviewed upgrade cycles in meteorological institutes, services and companies aiming at utilising meteorological research to develop or improve forecast products. These change processes influence the development of meteorological operational systems, data management and archive systems, meteorological visualisation on workstations and web services.

The talk presents the complete product development lifecycle from research to users and vice versa. NinJo was used to a high extent in analyzing and visualizing the data.

Participants could see the power of the NinJo software in the exhibition. 

See full Presentation: (3.6 MB)

Joe et al.: Severe Weather Forecasting Tools in NinJo

World Weather Research Program Symposium on Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting, Toulouse, France, 5-9 September 2005

Abstract: NinJo is a meteorological workstation collaboratively developed by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), the Bundeswehr Geophysical Service (BGS), the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), MeteoSwiss (MCH) and the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC). DWD initiated a program of providing severe weather warnings for 2005. Several existing radar based severe weather analysis packages are being incorporated into NinJo: the KONRAD (Convective Radar) package of the DWD, the TRT (Thunderstorm Radar Tracking) and the CARDS (Canadian Radar Decision Support) system. Primary concepts of the NinJo workstation is that it is a data visualization system; that it integrates data in time and space and that it links data and forecast applications at the user or configuration level. These capabilities allows for the extension of the radar based packages to use and include all data sources – e.g., satellite, model, point data. For example, multi-radar cross-sections can be overlaid with upper air observations for better diagnosis and timing of large scale driven events. Automatic monitoring of data or application output can be configured for alerting purposes – e.g., surface temperatures can be monitored for exceeding the convective temperature for air mass thunderstorm initiation or satellite heights can be compared to tropopause heights to identify overshooting cloud tops or radar features can be configured to be compared against thresholds. The configurability of the system allows for different forecasting philosophies and requirements to be addressed. This is a project in progress, the presentation will discuss requirements, design, data, configuration and usability issues.
See complete Document: (750 kB)

Joe, Falla: Radar Visualizations in the NinJo Project

Third European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology (ERAD), Visby, Island of Gotland, Sweden 6-10 September 2004

Abstract: NinJo is a collaborative meteorological forecaster visualization workstation project led by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) and includes MeteoSwiss (MCH), Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), and the Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC). The MSC has the lead for the visualization of radar data for the consortium. A basic philosophy of NinJo is that it is a geo-referenced data viewer and not an image viewer. This implies that rendering of the screen image is always done directly from the data and interactive data probing using the mouse uses the original data and not the rendered visualization. The data is stored in its native format, rather than stored in a common internal format, in order not to degrade the it. Zooming in will result in a visualization that shows the full details and resolution of the original data.

The consortium members use radar in different ways – for weather surveillance, for severe weather and for hydrological applications – and have different radar products that reflect these applications. The project must resolve the diverse requirements and also combine the products and outputs from diverse legacy radar processing systems, scan strategies, products and data formats. In addition, processing of radar products from neighboring countries is also a requirement. The system uses composites (pre-generated or generated on the fly) in the main scene with “drill down” capability to either single radar products, to cell views, to vertical profiles, to cross-sections and to probe data. Using the geo-referencing data concept, the radar data can be visually (and can be mathematically) combined with other meteorological and non-meteorological data for efficient and effective decision-making and forecast production.
complete Document: (3,1 MB)